Whats happening around the Neighborhood?

a nonprofit mutual benefit corporation
Goldmine Hill Homeowners Association & Goldmine Hill Condominium Complex public Website.
This Website provides residents and visitors alike with general information about the GMHComplex.
It includes location information (e.g., directions), a property overview, general office information, and other information.
NOTE: Legislative Ordinance #080520 passed by the Board of Supervisors on
December 16, 2008.
This legislation contains changes that affect your property rights!
Download and review the Final SF Ordinance
#080520: http://www.sfbos.org/ftp/uploadedfiles/bdsupvrs/ordinances08/o0320-08.pdf
Office Information
The GMHHOA Business Office - 43 Ora Way, San Francisco, CA 94131-2531
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 9AM - 7PM
Onsite Property Manager/Facilities Engineer
Phone: 1-415-282-9969
Fax: 1-415-282-9970
After hour maintenance emergency, call :
CitiScape Property Management emergency maintenance line
Property Management
GMHHOA representative at CitiScape Property Management Group:
Telephone (normal business hours):
24-Hour Emergency
Cellular: 1-415-487-3697
Fax: 1-415-695-2999
Website: www.citiscapesf.com
CitiScape Mailing Address:
CitiScape Property Management Group, LLC 3450
Third Street Suite 1A
San Francisco, CA 94124
Property Administrator:
Property Accountant: Tina Woo
(e.g., for questions on monthly dues or other accounting-related issues)
For Realtors, appraisers, and mortgage brokers:
Disclosure service for disclosure packages
Online Service Ticket Tracking System: